Holy Trinity Church, Stratford

About the Church

Holy Trinity Church was built in 1890 on land donated by Mr T K Worthington, the first service being held on 30th July. By 1891 the parish also included churches at Cardiff, Ngaere, Midhurst, Toko, Inglewood, Tariki and later Whangamomona.  In 1911 a church hall was built to accommodate the ’Parish day School’ later to become St Mary’s Diocesan School. In 1917 they moved to their present site.  In 1956 the Lady Chapel was added and in 1980 The Narthex, toilets and lounge with kitchen facilities was added.                                                                 

In 2009 A covenant for cooperation was signed between Holy Trinity Parish and St Stephen’s Methodist Parish and on the 1st February both congregations began to worship together at Holy Trinity.

Venue Information

Church has a seating capacity of 172 with a modern and comfortable carpeted lounge seating an additional 60 with full screen and sound projection of services and events.  

Both Church and the lounge have data projectors and sound equipment available.

Air-conditioning provides both heating and cooling.

Kitchen facilities include: zip water boiler, 50 cup urn, domestic stove, pie warmer, microwave, small fridge, double sink and commercial dishwasher.  Crockery and cutlery for 40+ settings.  90 mugs, a selection of serving platters and other serve-ware, large teapots and trays.


The entry way is covered.

A Pipe Organ and Piano are available and an Organist can be provided by arrangement.

Service Information


4th Wednesday of the month
2nd Wednesday at All Saints, Eltham

Community Groups

At this stage there are no community groups at Holy Trinity. 

Please contact us should you wish to create your own group.

Contact Details

Corner Juliet and Regan Streets, Stratford

027 364 274


